Sunday, September 25, 2016

Hello Friends

Hello friends,

I don't know what to write.. This summer I..m so busy,, Lot;s of things happened. First of all I would like to thank all my friends who invited us to their house, We had lots of fun.. Music was wonderful..
Also my husband was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. He,s taking chemo and radiotion.  Thank you for all the prayers..
Love you all..


Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Gentle rain

It's beautiful gentle rain
Soaking the green grass
On the ground...

Lovely, lovely rain...

Women, men and children
In the rain.
Carrying those umbrellas
Walking on the streets...

There is too much to do
And no time for it.

But when the rain comes
Than everything changes...


Fourth of July

Hot dogs and ice cream
Picnics and barbecues...

Independence day comes with
So many images of summer...

To celebrate the birth of
American nation...

Freedoms and accomplishments
Of American dream.


Sunday, June 19, 2016

My Father's Day

Today is Father's day and our 23 rd wedding anniversary!
I remember my dad. He was a good dad. On the weekends he use to take us to different places. We ride on the ferry boat and go to the different islands..We have many small islands on the Marmara Sea..
Some time we have a picnic there on the island.. With watermelon, cheese, tomato and freshly baked bread.
 We will ride on donkeys. We swim and take naps there. Fresh air....  And we walk miles.. uphill... We step on the evergreen tree needles make our feet slide over the hill. It was scary..
My dad used to take me to horse racing. That was my favorite.. Dad will watch horses. I will buy popcorn, chocolate and ice cream.
Summer nights we take a walk by the seashore. Watch the fisherman fish. Buy corn on the cob from a vendor. And ice cream.. We'll walk around the seashore till dark.. Winter time he'll buy the roasted chestnut for me..
We walk around Istanbul city..
When my mom died she left three children behind for my dad to raise.. My dad later told me that neighbors told him to give up us for adoption. I'm so happy my dad didn't do that.. Who knows where we'd be now!
I know he had a hard time raising 3 small children. But we all helped him...
Happy Father's Day!   I love you dad!


Sunday, June 12, 2016

Graduation Parties

Graduation parties are fun to celebrate ones success. Proud parents gives graduation parties for their children.

It's not cheap but it's worth it...  It's once in a life time. Gifts and money. Presents are nice...

I wish I had one...  But we live in a different period.. I am so much luckier than my parents.. I am blessed with all the precious things in life... My husband, my children and my friends.. My parents had none...

Everyday I thank God for my many blessings!


Saturday, June 4, 2016

Music On The Square

I bring my folding chair to the  square in Angola and sat down by the Herald Republican office building.
Right under the shade tree...Start listening to the band. It is my kind of music. Folk music. There were four people in the band. Two ladies and two men.

They start playing at 6:30. Little kids are dancing to the music...
There was a good crowd gathered.  Everybody had to bring their own chairs. Few people were sitting on the court house steps to get the shade. Sun was very strong...

Band played some sing along songs too.. When band was taking a break I walked around and talk to a few friends...

There was a water stand behind me. I bought some water for me and  my friend.

I stayed there till 9 pm. Then the music end.....


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Lovely Day

Yesterday and today was a beautiful day... 
I planted some tomatoes. Three yellow and three red. Planted some flowers. And pulled some weeds. They grow so fast. 

This morning when I opened the front door there was a toms donuts bag . Inside was a wonderful fresh donuts which we had for breakfast.  It was from my friend Cheryl. She's so sweet and thoughtful. She's a good friend and neighbor.  I'm so glad that i have very nice friends and neighbors.
Life is full of surprises. Last week I was in Bloomington to help my daughter to plant some trees and flowers. Afterwards we went to eat out. So For dessert I had a gellato. Than I had a bad toothache. After I come home went to see my dentist. he looked at my teeth. Said I have very sensitive teeth. Gave me some medicine. I hope pain goes away soon. I don't like pain.
I haven't written on my blog very much since classes are over.. But summertime is busy always.. I like to be outdoors more, working in the yard. watering and weeding...

I hope everybody have a good summer. Go outdoors and enjoy!

Miss you all!!


Thursday, May 12, 2016

What comes next

Well, my classes are over a week ago... I already missed them.  But I'm enjoying the time off. I already missed my class friends..

Spring is here. I love the blooming flower trees.  Only bad things when the rain comes down it takes away the flowers from the tree.

Went to farmers market last week,bought a tray of petunias all different colors. plant them in my hanging baskets. They look very nice in my yard. I love flowers...

Later I want to buy some tomato plants and plant them in my bigger pots . I like tomatoes too. In fact I like all kinds of vegetables...

Last week we saw 2 movies. Jungle book and the Mother's day!  They both were very good... If you have a chance see it...


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Keep and Touch

Sometimes we get involved with so many worldly  things in life, don't have time for important things.. And than we loose them gradually. They get away from us.

Like family and friends. We need to keep and touch together with phone, letters, e-mail or messages. They are our family after all.


Sunday, May 1, 2016


Today is Sunday. Lord's day. Went to church this morning. We have been studying Noah's ark in bible study. So I asked my sister to send me a package of asure. ( sweet dessert in Turkey). She send me. Last night I prepared the dessert to share it with the bible class. When the Noah's ark landed in Mount Ararat (which is in Eastern Turkey). Whatever dry food left in the ark, they cooked it all together. We call it Asure.

After church services we had a carry-in-dinner. Of course everything was delicious. I ate too much. After dinner we came home. At 3 pm. I went to Furt for concert. It was beautiful and wonderful. Every student did great performance..Great talent.. I really appreciate the free concert Trine University puts on. Bravo!

I saw my friend and my teacher at the concert. Now the school is over, I'm going to miss everyone.. All those students in my classes were very nice. .. Maybe I will see them sometime...


Sunday, April 24, 2016

Mama Bird

     It was a beautiful summer day when Tommy went to bird hunting. He was in the woods looking for birds to hunt.
All of a sudden he heard: Don't kill the birds! He turned around , saw his friend Banu.

Banu: What do you want from these innocent little birds?. Let them sing and fly. And why are you killing them? What do they do to you ?.  said Banu.

Tommy said: What does it matter to you?. Leave me alone, I'm hunting birds, it's not illegal.. Now they are all gone. You scared them. But I got one anyway.

Banu: I'ts illegal here in Washington. Please don't kill the birds. I love birds..

     Few weeks later, Tommy again went to the woods hunting birds. While he was waiting for the birds, a bird came and attacked him in the face. Tommy tried to cover his face, but bird was flying around his head trying to scare him.

So Tommy finally runs home. Then Tommy realized it was the mommy bird was attacking him. Which he killed her baby few weeks ago.

So Tommy finally promise Banu that he will never hunt for birds anymore.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Heart of the Tree

By: Henry Cuyler Bruner

What does he plants who plants a tree?
He plants a friend of sun and sky;
He plants the flag of breezes free;
The shaft of beauty, towering high;

He plants a home to heaven anigh
For song and mother-croon of bird
In hushed and happy twilight heard-
The treble of heavens harmony-

This things he plants who plants a tree.

When we plant a tree
We grow a wonderful family.
A tree like a flag
Breezes freely in the air.

It's beautiful, slender, high.

When we plant a tree
We plant a home in heaven.
Like a song, mother
Sings to her children.

Making harmony with  motherhood
And creating a better world,
When we plant a tree...


That Time of Year

By: William Shakespeare

That time of year thou may'st in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.

In me thou see'st the twilight of such day
As after sunset fadeth in the west,
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death's second half, that seals up all in rest:

In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As in death- bed whereon it must expire,
Consum'd with that which it was nourish'd by:

-This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong
To love that well which thou must leave ere long.

When the time comes for me
There should be dry leaves hanging on the tree
Bows are shaking in the wind,
Cold and empty choir.

You always see the best of me
Sun goes down in the west.
You see in me glowing fire,
This is my death bed
After I die.

Finally when I'm gone
I should be happy,
But my love remains forever..


Friday, April 15, 2016


We are reading sonnets in the square by Brokaw theater.. It's been fun.. I really enjoy listening and reading them.

PH very dedicated person.. She encourages me.  I wish there were more people joining us listening and reading the sonnets..

I'm a student in Professor Homan's creative writing class. And I'm enjoy it very much..


Sunday, April 10, 2016

About our Creator

I heard the wind blowing last night

Sound like it was talking to me.

Sounded like a scary thunder

Whole thing was very strange.

It keep blowing in the night

Kept me awake..

So I keep thinking

About our Creator,

How He made all this

Wonderful things in the world.

For those He loves...


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Dreamy Recipe

Once upon a summer midnight. There's a cool breeze outside.  But too hot to asleep inside the house. So Alice got up and walked to the back porch, sat down to cool off.

It was so nice to watch the twinkling stars. A little later Alice went in the house to get a glass of warm milk. Then she went out again.

This time she saw the big bright moon. Oh it was so big and pretty. She sat there on the porch  long time...
Watching the moon and stars.

Finally her eyes were getting heavy, she went inside to sleep. As soon as she fell asleep she started to dream.

In her dream she went to a market, walking around buying fruit and vegetables. Then she saw a few friends she knew..Alice stopped and talked to them. One of her friends told her a recipe. Then she woke up from her dream.

She didn't remember any of it. She kept thinking about her dream.. And she slowly began to remember the recipe.. Then she got a paper and pencil begin to write down the recipe. It was zucchini and egg casserole.

Then in the afternoon Alice prepared the recipe. And the whole family enjoyed the meal at dinner time...


Humanities Symposia - "What Do Dragons, Witches and Church Members Have ...

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Reading Shakespeare Sonnets

Today at four o'clock  my husband and I went to town. On the square joined P. Lou Ann Homan and read 5 sonnets from Shakespeare.  It was fun.. PH read 2, I read 2 and my husband read 1 sonnet.

Of course no body was there, except us three. It was cold and windy.  Than after we finished reading, we sat down  at the table by Suttons Deli and talk for a while. It was nice. We all had fun. I'm glad we came to listen to her.

I'm beginning to like Shakespeare , and understanding more now.

I hope in the future more people will come to listen.


Saturday, April 2, 2016

Not in Vain

By Emily Dickinson:

If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain:
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.

This is my interpretation of her poem:

If I can help somebody
With  their problems
I will be happy...

If I can make somebody's
Life comfortable,
And ease their pain,

Or if I can help
little helpless creature,
Unto his feet again.

Then my life have meaning...


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

God's world

Our world is so big...yet on the other hand is so small.
There are many oceans, mountains, many planets and stars. There are many countries,and many people, flowers and trees.

Yet when we go somewhere we see somebody we know. And we say "oh I know you from here and there".

How beautiful everything is: We see colors we never seen before. We hear things  we never heard before.
We see beautiful butterflies, and  many different birds.

God shows us His beautiful rainbow in the sky. This is just beautiful...

Animals and fishes for our enjoyment.

And of course we can hear beautiful music.

Sometimes I wonder what's going on in peoples minds?

Dreams...sweet dreams (kind of we tell our loved ones), sad dreams (make us scare) and funny dreams (make us laugh).

Sunshine... and rain.


Saturday, March 26, 2016

A Day In The Park

I like to walk... I decided to go to Pokagon Park and walk.

I wanted to walk to Lake Lonidaw. I walk to the edge of the boardwalk it was all muddy. So I turned around took the trail 3. Walked half way,  along the path I saw few people walking, running, and couple families are sitting on the benches and talking.... Children are playing , running and shouting.

I walked back to the inn. We (my husband and I) had dinner there.

We met few guests who were staying at the inn. Everyone seem to be in a great mood.

Then we met a very nice family at the dining room. They asked me about my accent. I told them I was from Turkey. They said they knew some body from Turkey.

I was happy...



We counted 17 geese, one swan and there were many little ducks on the water. Geese flew over and landed on the beach.

Children were running toward the geese, scared them, and they flew back  to the water.

Sun was bright and warm, weather was cool and breezy, but very nice for March.

My husband and I sat on the bench watching the geese and the children.

I took pictures of the geese and the swan.

I think the swan is the most beautiful.


Thursday, March 24, 2016

God's Creation

      Flowers are beautiful. Some times I walk around the flowers I can see butterfly's. I just can't imagine God's creation. Just look at the sky what do you see?  Daytime I  see sun. Nighttime I see stars, moon.

God makes the rain and sunshine. He makes the flowers so we can smell and enjoy.. He made the seas and mountains. He made the birds and fish.   God made the you and I.

Our world is very big.. There are many people live different parts of the world.  They have different religion and speak different languages.

Just think about how is God created us.. Our brain can think, grow and our nervous system can do many things.  How can those things exist without God!!


Monday, March 21, 2016

My Parakeets

Yellow and White,
They like to sing and watch cowboy movies.
They like to hear running water
I love them very much.
They are my babies, my children...
But sometimes they are naughty, 
They get in trouble
And pick on one another.
Than I clap my hands
They become very quiet.
They are always singing to me
I love my little birds...
They have a cousin
His name is Tom
He is a love bird.
When he comes to visit
He flirts with them.


Friday, March 18, 2016

Memories of Our Grandma

Our Grandma was a lovely person. Strong-willed and smart. She taught me how to cook pot roast, potatoes and carrots in one pot. I loved her cherry cheesecake. She gave me the recipe.

She told us over and over a story about my son Nihat. She said every time we visited her when he was a toddler he head straight to the fridge and look for grapes. He would stand there and eat them, calling them gropes.. She used to call us quiet often and say let's go get some ice cream cones, and we would go to McDonald's drive-thru.

She loved her grandchildren, and she loved to repeat stories about them. Whenever they were sick, she would give me advice on what to do. She always wanted to know everything they were doing after they moved away.

Our Grandma had such beautiful hands. She was always looking at her hands, filing and applying nail polish. Her hands always looked so pretty.

She was  very thoughtful. I learned a lot from her through the years. She was always calling me "my daughter" even though I was her daughter-in-law. She's done many things for us. She really cared about us. Whenever I had any questions I could always call and ask her. I miss her kind face.

We will always love you, Mom. You will always be in our hearts and in our memories.

                                                               Neriman Stavitzke

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Rainy Day

I like rainy days... you can curl up and cuddle up  on the couch and watch movies or read a book..
On  a rainy day you can sleep late.  And you can eat whenever you want to.

Rain is good for flowers, planting vegetables and growing green grass.
I like to walk when it rains gently.

On a rainy day, you can go to a internet coffee house and drink a cup of hot cocoa or tea.
It smells so good.  Visit with friends and have a good time...


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Our Grandma

I am so happy that I visited her yesterday morning. That evening she passed away. Some how some body was telling me to see her. I remember her sweet face saying my name. She was a kind  and thoughtful person. She was our grandma.
She turned 98 on February 28. She had a very nice birthday party at the nursing home. Her relatives and church friends were there.They brought flowers , many cards and gifts.  Her son made her a chocolate cake. Granddaughter made upside down pineapple cake. And three different kinds of ice cream. She had fun.
After that day, I went to visit her several times.  I'm glad I did..
I told her that I love her, she told me that she loves me too.  She had a long and happy life.
We love you grandma! Rest in peace...


Sunday, March 6, 2016



                             From  " The Merchant  of Venice"

                                         William Shakespeare
                   How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!
                   Here will we sit, and let the sound of music
                   Creep in our ears: soft stillness, and the night,
                   Become the touches of sweet harmony.

                   Moonlight is shining so sweet on this bank!

                   Here I am  sitting, and listening,

                   I can hear sound of soft music

                   Coming into my ear; soft and quiet,

                   And the night became a sweet harmony.

                                                        Neriman Stavitzke


Friday, March 4, 2016

Winter Scene

                             On a cold morning winter day. There is a tram moving on the tracks.
Big, big snow flakes coming down.. Everything is covered with snow. What a lovely winter day!
Of course, if you like cold weather and lot's of snow..
There are people on the side walk dressed up with warm clothes. One group of people waiting for a bus..
There is a man wearing a blue sweatshirt and carrying a pale in his hand. Throwing salt to the side walk.
Lovely winter'y scene. Just like today..



Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Coming of Spring

Beautiful sunset

Behind the trees.

Pink clouds

In the sky..

Sound of the wind

All resembles

Spring is in the air..


Monday, February 29, 2016

My Day

I didn't want to asleep all day, so I got up little early this morning. Went to volunteer at  our local library.  I worked there about couple hours each week.  Always enjoy putting back books and movies on the shelf.
I walked back home. It was a nice sunny day, a little windy though!

After lunch I sat down on the couch and fell asleep.  After I wake up went to YMCA and did some exercise on the treadmill. I feel good and happy!

We had to go to grocery store to buy some food. I'm glad store wasn't crowded.  I think we picked a good night to go to shopping!


Saturday, February 27, 2016

Old Pictures


As I look those old pictures
There are many memories.
Some are good,
And some are sad...

Pictures are
Precious to me...
Some makes me cry
Some makes me happy...

A picture is worth
Thousand words.
I can see my life
In one simple picture...


Friday, February 26, 2016

Good Day

Today was a pretty good day. Finally it's not snowing...I like snow, curl on a blanket over the fire place..
I don't like to drive when it's snowing or roads are icy.

We clean our church once a week. Afterwards we go out to eat some lunch.
Our grandmother is in the nursing home. She's getting therapy for a few days. I went to visit her today. She looked good, but weak. Hope she will get stronger soon. Sunday is her birthday.. Guess what, she will be 98 years young... She is sharp, her mind is good. She hears very well. Only that she can't see very well.
I wonder when I get to be her age, what would I be like.. I hope that I would be as good as her.


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Winter driving

Some people have dangerous driving habits. Like speeding,tailgating. no turn signals, and using cell phones while driving. It's very dangerous. We should all be careful when we drive. Watch out for other people.
You never know what they are up to. In fact driving on the snow, I don't like it.. We have to take our time and drive carefully. Because it takes longer to stop your vehicle. Especially when there is ice and snow on the roads.. Without proper warning another driver may not have enough time to slow down his vehicle.


Monday, February 22, 2016

Our church family

                      Young and old
                      children and adults
                      mom and dads
                      all in a row.

                     Singing voices
                     smiling faces.
                     Sitting on the
                     well worn pews...
                     Listening to the preacher
                     Under the bright lights.



Broken branches and yellow leaves
saying goodbye to the trees.
Big wind comes
scatters them
Far, far away!


Sunday, February 21, 2016

Turkish Flag


Turkish flag color is red. There is a crescent moon and star in the middle. Red color symbolised  there are lots of blood shed on the war. The star and crescent's are muslim symbols.

When we start the school every morning we sang the Turkish national anthem.  Independence March was written by Mehmet Akif Ersoy.

Every national holidays we see the Turkish flag everywhere in Turkey.. Also all the banks and post offices
fly the Turkish flags.. You can see it every government building.

Another name for Turkish flag is a red banner.

This is my blog tonight about Turkish flag..


Friday, February 19, 2016

Birthday Party

Birthday time!!!  My daughter is home. Today is her birthday!!  I'm a happy mom.  Made her a bunt chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. And guess what there is no corn syrup in the frosting.. I went to couple local grocery stores to look for no corn syrup frosting . But they didn't have. So I had to order from a health food store.

Birthday's are nice and fun.. Specially when you have a nice party and they can invite all their friends.. Open the presents together and play together. And slumber parties.   Fun fun fun!!

Well actually were going to celebrate the birthday party tomorrow.  



Seems like everybody have  some kind of problem..  I wish I can help but it's not easy. Sometimes I get unhappy too. But I can relay on my family and friends. Its nice to have a good friend that you can talk about your problems.. I also have a church family. They help me so much. I'm so thankful.

You can't carry your problems with you, you have to talk to somebody. Other wise they make you sick.
We need to talk to God more often. He will help us...


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

School Days

Going to school when we  were little.  At first it was fun. We made new friends.  And packed our lunch. Ate together.  Learned lots of new things, words, colors, alphabet etc..

Then in the middle school we had contest about spelling, writings, science projects... We were busy studying and getting ready for tests.

Then comes the high school...  That's a different subject.. boys... girls..... and dates.. fitting in... That's hard.
Choosing role models..

After graduating some choose a college to go  some choose to work.   And some choose both....


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Writing Awards

It was  very nice to see all these young students getting awards.. I am so happy for them.. It must be very wonderful to be writing creative like these young people...

When I was going to school in Turkey I was sitting in back of the classroom.  I didn't want to teacher to see me. I was afraid that she may ask me to read.

I am so proud of these young students in my class. They are so smart.  Maybe some day I can write like them.. Just need more practice..

Keep up the good work my friends..


Monday, February 15, 2016


Have you ever afraid of dark??? I do. Long time ago when my children were small. They love to go for a walk.. We lived in the country roads.. Of course there's no street  lights on the country roads.

It was a winter time.. About late afternoon almost dawn. After supper we decided to go out for a walk. We all bundled up and went for a walk.. It was a long walk about couple miles. All of a sudden sunset went down very fast. We didn't realize , it was getting late.  We decided to go back home.. Suddenly outside became very dark.. Like we can't see anything.  And here we are holding on each other and afraid.  Walking as fast as we can in the dark.. Finally we came home.. That was a experience I never forget...


Sunday, February 14, 2016


Kindness is considered , humble hearted and friendly.

We have a neighbor she is so kind, generous and very friendly. She came to our door other day, and shoveled our porch, sidewalk and brought us a little valentine gift... We need to appreciate our friends.
She is always concern for others. Every time it snows she'll go out and cleans up her neighbor side walks. And in the fall when leaves are on the ground she goes out and rakes the leaves from her next door neighbor.
She shows her kindness, affection. She shows her love for human kind..
She is my good friend and neighbor.


Saturday, February 13, 2016


Today Sunday

                                                               Today Sunday
First time they brought me to the sun.
and first time in my life clouds so far away
and so blue.
I was surprise clouds was so big
Without any move
I stand.
Later sat down on the dirt.
My back to the wall.
Right now I fell to the waves
Just dirt, sun and me.....
                      I'm happy


Friday, February 12, 2016

Different Kind Sandwiches

I like sandwiches. Like peanut butter and jelly. . I'll buy sun butter (sunflower butter) and raspberry jam make a sandwich. It's delicious. 
Tuna fish sandwich, I put mayo and red onion. It's very good.  I also like egg sandwiches on a rye bread.. I don't eat white bread. When I was younger I ate lot of white bread.. My dad used to send me to the store to buy bread. Of course bread was just baked in the oven. Nice and warm... I buy the bread but on the way walking home I ate almost half of the bread. And when I come home my dad will punish me... 
I like fish sandwich too. Sometimes we go to Subway order a foot long tuna fish with everything on it.  And come home share together with my husband. I know he likes meat sandwiches better but he doesn't mind eating fish sandwich.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

A Winter's Day

I went outside with my class today..  It was cold and windy. Everything was covered with snow. I walked around a building for 10 min.. You know I really love the fresh air.. I heard a bird singing. Wind making noise and heard cars. When I stepped on the snow I can hear the slush under my feet.
I am a walker. I love to walk.. Sometimes I walk 4-5 miles.. As long as not too much wind and ice.
Since I've been taking this class , I'm more aware of surroundings.. .  I learned to appreciate God's creation...


Wednesday, February 10, 2016


I want to take a trip sometime soon. I like to visit places I never been. Bu you have to have money and time.
Some people have time but no money, and some people have money but no time.. I guess I'm in between.
In the past I was traveling either by car or plane. I like to try taking a train or bus trip. That would be nice..
I know some people love hiking or camping.I guess when I was younger I didn't mind so much. But now I'm older I like the comfort travel.
I also traveled by ferryboat, that was very nice. You can see lots of places that way.

I like to visit different countries.. Learn different languages. Get to know their way of living. I think that will be nice.


Monday, February 8, 2016


           I am testing my chrome book to see if it will send to my old laptop.
If it does the chrome book is much lighter to carry. Wish me luck.


Sunday, February 7, 2016

The short Movie

This movie begins with the war. I saw it on TV.  There were many soldiers killing each other. Her husband was a soldier and he dies in the war. She has a little girl. They are poor, and don't have lots of money.
She has dreams ans she is scared.,,

All of a sudden. she hears a loud knock on the door. She opens the door.. Than soldiers come inside the house. Asking for food.  She gather's up whatever food she can find in the kitchen. And gave it to them.

Her daughter is asleep upstairs.. Mother is scared..

After they eat the food, solders lives the house.. Mother is happy now..


Book Receipt

I went to Carnegie Library to get a book. ( Collection of Critical Essays) By W. B. Yeats. I want to read his poems. I got the idea from Professor Homan. I find the book and went to front desk to check out the book. Library staff opened the book and inside the book was a old check out receipt.. Receipt was very faint. From July 1995. And on the was my daughter's name. When I saw the paper, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was 21 years ago. When she graduated from high school 1995.

So I don't know, that no one checked out the book for 21 years. Or book was checked out and they left the old receipt inside the book.

I think it's so neat, mother and  daughter have the same interests.

I called and told her and saved the old receipt for her...
This is my story...


Wednesday, February 3, 2016


I Love music. I sing when I'm home. I sing when I'm at church. I just love to sing.. I like any kind of music.

Music is good for the heart and soul.. I don't know how to play any musical instruments. But I like to hear it.

My dad used to play accordion and harmonica. At nights we sat on the floor and listen to my dad playing.

It was very nice to hear him play for us children. Since we didn't have any television. We did have a small radio to listen...  Of course we went to the movie theater  on the weekends.. Then mostly playing American movies..

Summertime there is different music festivals to go..  I;ll sit down on the bench and clap my hands and listen to the music.. Celtic music, Irish music. Bluegrass and of course Turkish music..  I like some country music too. I also like patriotic music too.. And of course don't forget the Christmas music.. African music, world music.. As you can see I like all kinds of music..  I hope you like it too.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

English Language

English is the common language in the United States. So When immigrants come to states they should try to learn English.. I know it's not easy language to learn. But if you want to communicate with people it makes easier if you can speak the language. I know when I came here I couldn't speak any English at all.. All I can speak was "yes or no". My host dad was in the service. He enrolled me in a language class. My classmates in school was helping me too. And watching TV.  I think I can read better than I speak now.. But I am learning everyday.

Of course when I go to visit Turkey my family does not speak English. So I speak Turkish with them.. Now they are telling me That I have an accent when I speak. Oh well... I can't help..


Sunday, January 31, 2016

My friend

She was my wonderful friend. I knew her long time..She had a big heart. We use to get together once a week. We cleaned our church together.. Than afterwards we go out to eat together..

After her husband died, she stayed around for a little while. Outside of her house covered with beautiful flowers.
And she always had a big garden. On her garden she had all kinds of vegetables.. And she had fruit trees.
Every time I go to her house she always feeds me.. And she sends me home with delicious homemade
jellies and pickles.. She was my friend... Then she sold her house and moved to Tennessee.

She used to write beautiful long letters.   I went to visit her several times.. I knew that she was sick..
When she died I was so sad... She was my friend.. I miss her very much..  Rest in peace my friend.


Saturday, January 30, 2016

Nice Day Walking

It's like a spring time ... decided to take walk..  I saw couple squirrel playing in the grass. Then I saw some birds looking for food. We have couple bird feeders outside. We try to keep it full for the birds..
I walked to the library to read  a today's paper.. Not much news.. But I enjoy reading it.Try to keep up with what happening around here. Front of the library there's a big tree.. I saw a little black squirrel .. He was playing.. I stood there and patiently  watched him..
Then I walked over my friend's house.. They just made a fresh coffee. I had a cup.. And we talked old stuff.
Finally after a while I left their house and walked back home..
It was a beautiful day for walking.. Enjoyed it...


Friday, January 29, 2016


Here I am sitting on the chair at the beauty salon.. Listening to conversation. This lady talking about her life around her children. Another talking about the weather, I hear talking about beauty products.....

I can hear hair dryers making so much noise.. There's soft music I hear..  Couple children talking.. Ringing of the cell phones.. She is writing on her appointment book.

I am looking around... there is many shelf''s in the room.. And the shelf's are full of products... many kind of shampoo's, hair sprays, creams, brushes etc...

Now is  sun shining .  I'm writing this post. Listening to Natalie Cole CD.. I like her music..


Thursday, January 28, 2016

New Day

Today is a new day . I wake up thinking that I have a full day today.. Go to the gym. come home eat lunch, take a shower, get ready for my class. Do you know what?  I love my class. And I love my class friends.. They are all younger than me, I'm like their grandma's age.. I don't care.. I feel young..

And  my teacher .. she is a lovely person... Very nice and very creative.. I thought That I was busy.. But I learned she is busier than me.. That's okay... That makes her a special person..

I am smelling the coffee..  Its getting lighter outside.. I want to go out and make new friends today.. Life is good.. I am thankful that I have a  wonderful family.. 

Sun is shining ... and day is bright... trees are lovely..  So am I.... Have a wonderful new day...


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Different Countries

I Love to visit other countries.. I was lucky... I visited many countries. I found out cultures are different, but people are the same. Helpful and friendly. I tried to learn basic of their language, So I can communicate a little..
Of course my daughter was very helpful to me..
Someday I like to learn better English. I know lots of country's speaks English language.
I like to eat different foods.. Turkish and Indian foods are delicious...


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

                                                                 Exercise  Machines

         I am a member of YMCA.. I get there most morning to exercise..  So today after class went there.
Worked out about half hour.. I had to ask the trainer to show me some of the weight machines.. Because I was using them wrong... Trainer was very nice.. He showed me how to use them..
This is kind of short blog but I don't know what else to say...
Thank you for reading it...


Monday, January 25, 2016


love to go shopping.. To me shopping is fun...If you have the money of course..
You can go to different department stores.. Don't have to buy anything.. Just  look ..
Long time ago I went to the shopping mall. I was there all day. Guess what I didn't by anything. And I had fun.. Just walk around. Ate some food.  Than drove home.. I had fun..  But sometime I spend too much money of course.. Also I have fun too.. This life..


Our Pet

We once had a black dog named Sheba...We loved him very much.. Children play with him in the yard..
We lived in the country... Beautiful place..  Of course long time ago country roads were all dirt roads... Oh u can see... every time car or truck passes... dust, dust , dust... Can't open the house windows very much... Because of the dust. It was very dark at night..
Children loved Sheba very much... But one day we came home We saw Sheba laying on the edge  of the driveway.. How sad.. She was run over by car or truck... She was a older dog.. We all cried..
We buried him in the back yard...


Sunday, January 24, 2016


Look at that beautiful sunrise... I don"t see this very often. Outside is still dark.. I can smell the brewing coffee, oh.. smells good..
It is so quiet in the house.. I poured some coffee, taste good.  Listening to television.
Now I look at the window . Outside getting lighter..  I must get ready for church. I will write more later.


Saturday, January 23, 2016

roses and mountains

Oregon is a such a beautiful country. You can see the mountains on the background. There is Mount Hood.
So pretty. My daughter showed me from an airplane. I took a picture.
I can see the snow on the mountains. But there is no snow on the ground. I like that.
Then  there are beautiful rose gardens. And japanese gardens. We visited both gardens. Took pictures..
There are rose bushes outside in his yard. So big wonderful fragrance smell.. I love roses. In fact I just love all kinds of flowers.. I hope you like mountains and flowers too.


Friday, January 22, 2016

my busy day

Sometime I get so discouraged that I just don't have time for anything. I want to do so many things.. I want to learn another language, I want to go places, I want to have more time for my granddaughter. She is growing too fast.
But time goes fast.. I am so thankful that I am alive so I can do all those things..
But this is life. Everybody has the same time and day.. We just have to keep on going..
Got to go, I have to help one of my friend.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Sun shining

I can see the afternoon sun, very bright shining on my eyes. Oh how nice and warm make me feel.
Grass is covered with snow.. Sun always amazes me. I know I can't look at the sun very much.Because it hurts my eyes.. But I like the sun. It makes me feel good.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Evening Walk

It is cold outside. But I wanted to go for a short walk.. I have to bundle up..
I can hear couple of birds chirping.. I know they are  cold too. Then I heard cars and semi trucks on the road.. I walked couple blocks of my neighborhood...I smelled a firewood.. Smoke coming out of chimney..
Then heard another bird singing.. I like to sing too. Sometime I wish that I was a bird.. I can fly all over.
Finally I come home.. It was a short and cold walk.. But I enjoyed it...

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


I think I am beginning to figure out this computer.
I am struggling and taking baby steps. I hope I'm doing it right.
Thanks for all your help.
Neriman Stavitzke

my first blog

My first blog I am posting today.. I couldn't able to do it earlier. But I am happy now. PH Lou Ann helped me.

I am happy to be in this class. Even though I don't have a lot of experience I am learning .

Thank you Lou Ann.