Friday, February 12, 2016

Different Kind Sandwiches

I like sandwiches. Like peanut butter and jelly. . I'll buy sun butter (sunflower butter) and raspberry jam make a sandwich. It's delicious. 
Tuna fish sandwich, I put mayo and red onion. It's very good.  I also like egg sandwiches on a rye bread.. I don't eat white bread. When I was younger I ate lot of white bread.. My dad used to send me to the store to buy bread. Of course bread was just baked in the oven. Nice and warm... I buy the bread but on the way walking home I ate almost half of the bread. And when I come home my dad will punish me... 
I like fish sandwich too. Sometimes we go to Subway order a foot long tuna fish with everything on it.  And come home share together with my husband. I know he likes meat sandwiches better but he doesn't mind eating fish sandwich.



  1. Sometimes the simplest things in life are the best. Food is no exception.

  2. There's such a thing as sunflower butter?? What does it taste like? I've never heard of such a thing!
