Wednesday, March 30, 2016

God's world

Our world is so big...yet on the other hand is so small.
There are many oceans, mountains, many planets and stars. There are many countries,and many people, flowers and trees.

Yet when we go somewhere we see somebody we know. And we say "oh I know you from here and there".

How beautiful everything is: We see colors we never seen before. We hear things  we never heard before.
We see beautiful butterflies, and  many different birds.

God shows us His beautiful rainbow in the sky. This is just beautiful...

Animals and fishes for our enjoyment.

And of course we can hear beautiful music.

Sometimes I wonder what's going on in peoples minds?

Dreams...sweet dreams (kind of we tell our loved ones), sad dreams (make us scare) and funny dreams (make us laugh).

Sunshine... and rain.


Saturday, March 26, 2016

A Day In The Park

I like to walk... I decided to go to Pokagon Park and walk.

I wanted to walk to Lake Lonidaw. I walk to the edge of the boardwalk it was all muddy. So I turned around took the trail 3. Walked half way,  along the path I saw few people walking, running, and couple families are sitting on the benches and talking.... Children are playing , running and shouting.

I walked back to the inn. We (my husband and I) had dinner there.

We met few guests who were staying at the inn. Everyone seem to be in a great mood.

Then we met a very nice family at the dining room. They asked me about my accent. I told them I was from Turkey. They said they knew some body from Turkey.

I was happy...



We counted 17 geese, one swan and there were many little ducks on the water. Geese flew over and landed on the beach.

Children were running toward the geese, scared them, and they flew back  to the water.

Sun was bright and warm, weather was cool and breezy, but very nice for March.

My husband and I sat on the bench watching the geese and the children.

I took pictures of the geese and the swan.

I think the swan is the most beautiful.


Thursday, March 24, 2016

God's Creation

      Flowers are beautiful. Some times I walk around the flowers I can see butterfly's. I just can't imagine God's creation. Just look at the sky what do you see?  Daytime I  see sun. Nighttime I see stars, moon.

God makes the rain and sunshine. He makes the flowers so we can smell and enjoy.. He made the seas and mountains. He made the birds and fish.   God made the you and I.

Our world is very big.. There are many people live different parts of the world.  They have different religion and speak different languages.

Just think about how is God created us.. Our brain can think, grow and our nervous system can do many things.  How can those things exist without God!!


Monday, March 21, 2016

My Parakeets

Yellow and White,
They like to sing and watch cowboy movies.
They like to hear running water
I love them very much.
They are my babies, my children...
But sometimes they are naughty, 
They get in trouble
And pick on one another.
Than I clap my hands
They become very quiet.
They are always singing to me
I love my little birds...
They have a cousin
His name is Tom
He is a love bird.
When he comes to visit
He flirts with them.


Friday, March 18, 2016

Memories of Our Grandma

Our Grandma was a lovely person. Strong-willed and smart. She taught me how to cook pot roast, potatoes and carrots in one pot. I loved her cherry cheesecake. She gave me the recipe.

She told us over and over a story about my son Nihat. She said every time we visited her when he was a toddler he head straight to the fridge and look for grapes. He would stand there and eat them, calling them gropes.. She used to call us quiet often and say let's go get some ice cream cones, and we would go to McDonald's drive-thru.

She loved her grandchildren, and she loved to repeat stories about them. Whenever they were sick, she would give me advice on what to do. She always wanted to know everything they were doing after they moved away.

Our Grandma had such beautiful hands. She was always looking at her hands, filing and applying nail polish. Her hands always looked so pretty.

She was  very thoughtful. I learned a lot from her through the years. She was always calling me "my daughter" even though I was her daughter-in-law. She's done many things for us. She really cared about us. Whenever I had any questions I could always call and ask her. I miss her kind face.

We will always love you, Mom. You will always be in our hearts and in our memories.

                                                               Neriman Stavitzke

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Rainy Day

I like rainy days... you can curl up and cuddle up  on the couch and watch movies or read a book..
On  a rainy day you can sleep late.  And you can eat whenever you want to.

Rain is good for flowers, planting vegetables and growing green grass.
I like to walk when it rains gently.

On a rainy day, you can go to a internet coffee house and drink a cup of hot cocoa or tea.
It smells so good.  Visit with friends and have a good time...


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Our Grandma

I am so happy that I visited her yesterday morning. That evening she passed away. Some how some body was telling me to see her. I remember her sweet face saying my name. She was a kind  and thoughtful person. She was our grandma.
She turned 98 on February 28. She had a very nice birthday party at the nursing home. Her relatives and church friends were there.They brought flowers , many cards and gifts.  Her son made her a chocolate cake. Granddaughter made upside down pineapple cake. And three different kinds of ice cream. She had fun.
After that day, I went to visit her several times.  I'm glad I did..
I told her that I love her, she told me that she loves me too.  She had a long and happy life.
We love you grandma! Rest in peace...


Sunday, March 6, 2016



                             From  " The Merchant  of Venice"

                                         William Shakespeare
                   How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!
                   Here will we sit, and let the sound of music
                   Creep in our ears: soft stillness, and the night,
                   Become the touches of sweet harmony.

                   Moonlight is shining so sweet on this bank!

                   Here I am  sitting, and listening,

                   I can hear sound of soft music

                   Coming into my ear; soft and quiet,

                   And the night became a sweet harmony.

                                                        Neriman Stavitzke


Friday, March 4, 2016

Winter Scene

                             On a cold morning winter day. There is a tram moving on the tracks.
Big, big snow flakes coming down.. Everything is covered with snow. What a lovely winter day!
Of course, if you like cold weather and lot's of snow..
There are people on the side walk dressed up with warm clothes. One group of people waiting for a bus..
There is a man wearing a blue sweatshirt and carrying a pale in his hand. Throwing salt to the side walk.
Lovely winter'y scene. Just like today..



Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Coming of Spring

Beautiful sunset

Behind the trees.

Pink clouds

In the sky..

Sound of the wind

All resembles

Spring is in the air..
